The Purpose of a Woman’s Body

I recently came across a statement in Vogue that caused such a visceral reaction that I felt compelled to address it. While the purpose of CFW2 is to focus on issues related to being a child-free woman in the workplace, I will occasionally address other issues, and this is one of those. 

In the article “Stand Tall" in the Winter 2024 edition of Vogue, Thessaly La Force makes the sigh-inducing statement: “Motherhood finally allowed me to feel a purpose with my physical self that wasn’t tied to vanity.”

Seriously? So, child-free women’s only purpose for our bodies is related to our appearance? Perhaps I am reading the sentiment of the statement incorrectly, but incorrect or not, it is a predictable and reasonable way to interpret it. 

And it’s bullshit.

I feel bad for any woman who feels the only purpose for her physical self before having her children is tied to vanity. The purpose I feel for my physical self is strength, not just in the physical sense, but mental. I love to work out in the morning. The endorphins fuel me to slay the day. The strength I feel when lifting weights makes me feel good about myself. I laugh aloud and sing during my spin class. The strength I gain physically feeds my mental resilience. 

Another purpose for my physical self is a means for being social. I love to play softball (with muscle pain relief cream and kin tape on hand) and dance. I get to enjoy these activities with other people and my friends. 

That said, I honestly enjoyed the article. It discusses the importance of good posture and its benefits. As a tall woman sitting or standing in front of a computer all day, it’s a good reminder that I must stop slouching. Yes, Mom, I should have listened to you.

I genuinely hope that child-free women – or those trying to decide if they want to be child-free – do not feel any pressure, guilt, or regret because their physical selves will not fulfill the societal purpose of bearing children. Your body will serve whatever purpose you damn well want it to – even one tied to vanity if that is your fancy. 

Portrait photo of Alysia Christiaen, CFW2 Founder

Alysia Christiaen

Creator of CFW² and a child-free woman.

Alysia Christiaen

I’m a child-free woman in her 40s in London, Ontario, who realized that there needed to be a space for professional women without children to share their experiences. So I created CFW².


Dear Employers: Do Better.


Protecting Our (Child-Free) Boundaries